
Monday, September 19, 2011

Dinar Guru - Iraqi Dinar | Gurus predict iraqi dinar exchange rate & revaluation

If you are reading this, then I can assure you, that God has chosen YOU for great things. Our world is about to be turned upside down, but at the same time, being turned rightside up! There is a separation and dividing of mankind into several different camps, which are really, only two! The Righteous, or chosen ones, and the Unrighteous, or blind ones, who do not know God. His very Nature is Holy. He is all powerful, all knowing, at all places or everywhere, at once. You can't get away from the Real God, for you are created out of His Stuff, or Essence. "As He is, so are we in this world". I believe the Light of the Holy Spirit is about to be amplified at least sevenfold.
Some wise person once noted that every civilization grows, then declines by the seeds of destruction sown within it. The evil parts of men's nature account for every evil deed one can imagine. My Jesus came that we might have Life, and that more abundantly. Our world leaders have indicated they greatly desire to see the population of the earth to a mere 5 hundred milllion folks. They been messing with the laws, the food, the morals, conducted brain washing, and offering other divergences to keep people asleep from who and what they really are. "As He is, so are WE in this world". The Living God then becomes a Shield and a Shepherd to His sheep. He will kick butt of those who start messing with them. He is Loving, forgiving, generous, kind, and gentle.He is not greedy, but Most Generous. He gave His ALL at Calvary. Wow, thanks God. thanks Jesus. Any He chooses to live within men's hearts. Have you gone deep inside, found Him knocking at the door of your heart, saying, "let Me In". He created you for fellowship with Him. He wants to live the Fullness of His life through us folk. I think that is what the "Good News" is all about. Now we got these big, tough angels of God, ready to do our bidding. "What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, then you shall have them". Such a deal! Just give God your EGO, and realize that you have been going through the
Refiner's Fire spoken of in the Bible. The purpose of the fire is to purify the essence of the gold. Your faith is that gold. Howe deeply you believe in God, Who has chosen to live in YOU. Now whatcha gonna do? God Himself in now living in YOU. Where you is, He is. Remember His name as He revealed Himself to Moses? "I AM THAT I AM". The question is "which I AM". When asked who you are, don't you say "I Am _____"? Each of us is a Perfect Replica of how we see God. We believe that God is LOVE. What is That? "As you do to the least of My brethren, so do you unto Me". Uh oh, Christ is the LIFE FORCE of every Life. The is only One Spirit, and WE ALL came out of IT. Ain't that right? Things are about to start anew. The Jubilee of Jubilee's is upon us all. All shall be fulfilled. Be ready for the Appearing of the LIGHT with you. I hope that I have on a new wineskin, with no holes for the New Wine to be poured out.
By the way, you need to get some dinar ASAP. It is supposed to be revalued. Bless you

Dinar Guru - Iraqi Dinar | Gurus predict iraqi dinar exchange rate & revaluation

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