I received a comments from one reader as follows:
"do you ever have doubts about if God is real?
do you ever have doubts that Jesus was the son of God in the flesh?
are you able to explain the Trinity?
what is the Holy spirits role ?
thank you"
Question: Any doubts God is real?
Answer: Nope. The proof for me has always been, which came first, the chicken or the egg? Nature is the external manifestation of the Creator. It didn't just take a hen, but also a rooster to come up with the egg. God is the life itself growing out of basically nothing. I have no problem at all believing in God. Its the nature of man that has always confused me. On the one hand, man can be so "Godlike" in his character, then turn at the drop of a hat and destroy everything he just created. That is what war is. Jesus warned us, "whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, so do ye unto me.".
Question: Any doubts that Jesus was the Son of God in the flesh?
Answer: Nope. The fact that God raised Him from the dead, and then having performed a few miracles "IN HIS NAME", is enough for me. The reality of the Holy Spirit in my life is another proof of the validity of Who Christ is. The part that gets amazing is His teaching on prayer.... Remember, he starts out with "When you pray, say 'OUR FATHER'." Our Father? You mean to tell me that Jesus, and you and me have the SAME FATHER? Do you realize that if God is your Father, and Jesus is your Brother, than you are also 'DIVINE in nature, as God Himself is, because you are His Seed?, and therefore holy, as He is. Don't have no problem with Jesus being the Son of God. Its Me being a Son of God that I have struggles with. According to the Bible, its true.
What do you have to say about that?
Question: How do you explain the Trinity?
For me the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit = One God) can be seen like water is in its different forms, depending upon the temperature. Water can be liquid, gas, or solid, but its all the same thing, but manifesting differently according to the temperature. God is Spirit. Our true nature is also Spirit, because we were with Him in the beginning, before the foundation of the world. We are spirit beings, as God is, who live in bodies, and manifest outwardly as our soul (mind, will, emotions). We can observe from a person's actions what "kind" of person he is. i.e. "naughty or nice". Our behaviour, in large part, reflects how we view ourselves in God. If our doctrine is "God is Out there somewhere", we act one way.
If we believe He actually lives "inside us", that makes Him a lot closer and our actions more responisible. Me? I know that God lives in me, hears my prayers, and even answers them, not always as I desire, but I know He hears me. Besides, He is sovereign and is in charge.
I see the Trinity as just ONE GOD. All that exists comes our of God, including y'all and me'all. I see all things existing in a many dimentional form. For me, heaven is in another dimention that is spiritually connected to this one, and who knows how many others. The mind is a powerful thing. God has connected it with the tongue and ability to create. Blessing and cursing are in the power of the tongue". His Holy Spirit is with us, and ready to lead as we invite and obey.
In summation, I think the wisest course of action for any human is to do what Jesus said, and treat each other the way we want to be treated. Trest him as if his welfare was more important than your own, and you will see God in action. You become a manifestation of Christ with that mindset. For that one, all things are possible.